# 剁手推荐!!
Look Inside系列太经典了。撇开知识点不谈,光是画面就能让孩子目不转睛。再通过各种翻翻页,小宝贝可以探索奇妙的蜜蜂世界~为什么蜜蜂有毛茸茸的身体?蜂箱内会发生什么?蜜蜂怎么知道在哪里可以找到花?可以很好的帮助拓展知识面。❤
Why do bees have furry bodies? What happens inside a beehive? How do bees know where to find flowers? Find out all about the amazing world of bees in this illustrated flap book for young children, with a focus on why bees are so important, and all the jobs they do that keep the planet healthy.
# 产品信息
Reading Age | 5+ years | Series Title | Look Inside the World of Bees |
Publisher | Usborne Books | ISBN-13 | 978-1474983198 |
Original Languages | English | Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H) |
19.8 x 1.5 x 22.3 cm |
Publication Date | May 4 2021 | Item Weight | 362 g |
ISBN-10 | 1474983197 | Print length | 14 pages |